We’re In This Together: Mid-Year Report from the Board

A message from Patti McCall, WSUU Board President

Dear Community,

First, Happy New Year!   Wishing our country and planet a brighter year ahead in 2018.

I also want to remind you that your Board of Trustees will be holding a Congregational Meeting on January 28, 2018 at 12:15 in the Sanctuary.  Allan Lang, Treasurer, will be sharing a snapshot of the financial status of our community at this time.  I will be sharing an update on current projects the Board is working on including the upcoming Search for a Called Minister.  And  Rev. Nancy Bowen, our Regional Transitions Coach for the search process, will be sending us a video introducing herself and giving a brief overview of the next 18 months.

Finally, I want to mention the BIG EVENT coming up on February 3rd.  Every year at this approximate time, Westside hosts an auction which happens to be our congregation’s biggest fundraiser of the year.  But it is also where I bring my calendar and plan my social life for the next year; purchasing dinners, game nights, movie nights and summer get-togethers to spend with our beloved community.  Did you know the auction used to be called LOLA which is the acronym for “Labor of Love Auction” because so much of what is offered truly is a labor of love for members of our congregation.  Planning and preparing a dinner; planning and preparing a game night; finding items for the perfect basket which reflects a little bit of yourself; the list could go on and on demonstrating the time and energy which goes into the offerings which are put up for sale at this amazing event.  And not only that, the actual evening of the auction is just one big love fest; sharing food and wine; sharing joyful conversation; and, of course, there is the laughter!  The Auction Committee has been working hard to insure a wonderful (and fruitful) evening for our community.  If you haven’t already done so, please go into our website (wsuu.org) and purchase your tickets (half-price this year!!) or  visit the auction table during social hour.  This year, your Board is offering a Salmon Dinner in June at my home.  Look for that one!

We celebrate because we truly are in this together.  Blessings,

Patti McCall

Board President


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