Transition Working Group Announcement

We are pleased to announce our Transition Working Group to help us navigate through the time until Rev. Christopher arrives at Westside. Since the R1 Visa (Religious Leader Visa, Canada to the US) Process typically takes a minimum of 6 months, the individuals above, in addition to our Board, will be available as resources to the congregation during our transition.
The specific roles of the Transition Working Group will be to maintain a healthy and vibrant congregational community in our gap time by (1) serving as the primary liaison to Rev. Christopher, (2) ensuring we are abiding by the rules of the R-1 visa process so as not to jeopardize this very critical step (please do not contact Rev. Christopher directly at this time ) (3) making recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding gap coverage of Sunday worship, pastoral care, and staff oversight, and (4) coordinating the efforts involved with welcoming Rev. Christopher to our congregation.
Questions? Ideas? Concerns? Please contact, the Co-chairs Judi Finney and Laura White, or a Working Group member during our transition time. The Transition Group Co-chairs and the Board are also working towards supporting our Worship, Pastoral and Staff with a part time, short term, contract minister recommended by Rev. Christopher. This individual will have limited duties focused primarily on Sunday worship, pastoral emergencies and staff oversight to support us between Rev. Alex’s departure and Rev. Christopher’s arrival. It is important to note that all our regular WSUU committees and planned activities will continue as normal beginning in the fall with our Ingathering BBQ, Saturday, September 14th. We look forward with enthusiasm and gratitude to the exciting year ahead!
In loving fellowship,
Judi Finney and Laura White, TWG Co-chairs
Questions?  Contact

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