It was a joy to begin a new year and a new decade worshiping with y’all on Sunday, dear ones.
After service, the Worship Planning Team met, and I have a few notes to share.
Revisiting the arch, with good process this time (with gratitude for the grace of everyone who experienced the abrupt change in December that did not honor the change-making process of this congregation): One of the loving traditions at Westside is to sing children and youth to their religious exploration (RE) programs after the Time for All Ages. For many years, congregants have turned and formed a closed arch over the space between the pews. In response to requests emerging from Beloved Conversations, the RE Council engaged in deep discernment about this tradition and made a recommendation to the Worship Planning Team.
The Worship Planning Team invites you to make a small shift in how we embody the arch that will allow us to maintain a joyful tradition while allowing everyone to move comfortably up the aisle. You are asked to try creating a more spacious pathway, with arms raised (or not, as you are willing and able) – an open arch, if you will, without a limiting roof top. As with all the elements of our worship service, participation is invitational.
The Worship Planning Team offers deep gratitude to the Racial Justice Change Team and everyone who has shared gifts of service in co-creating the Equity Decision-Making Tool. We began practicing with the tool this week and it has already highlighted some of our growing edges and assisted us in changing some processes. You can learn more about this faithful creation at the Leadership Assembly on Sunday (food and childcare provided).
There is so much richness of creativity, care, and community here at Westside UU and it is an honor and a joy to accompany you on our faith journey into a new decade.
With love, gratitude, and care,
Rev. Deanna