Full-On Gratitude – We’re Rockin’ It!! Jade Lowry – Board President

We seriously rock. Our Westside community is really showing up, in all kinds of ways! Many of us shifted our priorities to caring for one another, and it’s really happening! Here is some good news about us –

  • We truly do show up – our Sunday service attendance is higher than usual, averaging over 100 logins each week to our Zoom Webinars, which means even more people are participating since a login can represent a whole family. Our Sunday plate collection is averaging 50%  larger than before COVID-19! And our Social Hour time has been full and amazing! Check out our numbers here –
Date Speaker/Special Circumstances Attendance by Login Unit
3-15-20 Youth Led Service 91 units
3-22-20 Rev. Deanna and Emma’s Rev. 126 units
3-29-20 The Go Janes 150 units
4-5-20 Rev. Cynthia Westby 127 units
4-12-20 Rev. Deanna Vandiver 138 units
4-19-20 Rev. Deanna Vandiver 117 units
4-26-20 Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons 105 units
  • Our congregational life is active online, with our groups, committees and program work continuing and taking advantage of what the online format allows. Meetings and connections are happening “in people’s homes” on Zoom, through email, and by phone, sometimes with guest speakers who couldn’t have participated in person.
  • Our staff and lay leaders showed up without missing a beat to create our online worship experiences with rich music that feeds us, and to engage children and youth with online story times, classes, and youth group. Our AV team has expanded to include video editors, Zoom managers, and “VJ’s” who facilitate our smooth services each week.
  • Our cluster groups and dedicated pastoral care efforts have engaged our community in caring for each other, and in actively working together to reach out to each other. (If you read this and are in need of connection, please be in touch with Rev. Deanna – minister@wsuu.org, 504-821-9284.)
  • We are maintaining our justice and equity efforts as a priority, through all that unfolds. While the board has shifted focus to community care, we are continuing to examine the ways inequity and oppression shows up in our patterns, in our actions, and in our community. Our commitment to justice and care is a big part of what is bringing us together so strongly as a congregation now.
  • Our budget is still carrying us in all the important ways! Enormous gratitude to all as we do our best to keep our current pledges going and to pledge as strongly as we can for the coming year. We have the funds to continue to keep our payroll going, which is a board priority in this time. We have kept the building safe for our renter to continue to work and pay rent. The Stewardship Committee, Finance Committee, Board, and our staff are working together closely and feel supported by the community as we make the best decisions possible for our budget.

Our community clearly means a lot to a lot of people, and it shows in all the ways we support each other and the congregation as a whole. No doubt, we will want to depend on this strength of connectedness in times to come, as this unprecedented journey seems to be only beginning in many ways. Deep thanks to each of us for rockin’ it together through one of the world’s more wild rides.

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