Join us for a Gathering of Northwest BIPOC UUs -DRUUMM NW Caucus
Saturday, September 19, 9am to noon
Agenda available. Register now for a free virtual program, Belonging & Liberation, for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color) UUs, September 19th, from 9am to Noon (Pacific), to deepen connections with one another, be present to one another’s stories and truths, and to foster systems of care. Explore the experience of our faith in new ways and together build a more beloved community. (read more)
- Opening Family Rally- open to all (i.e. white family members, children) led by Justin Almeida (of University Unitarian Church in Seattle)- 20 mins.
- An invitation for our whole families to participate in an intergenerational program with youth testimonials, music, and connection. Youth and families are encouraged to display a photo in their Zoom background that captures the spirit of the theme “Belonging & Liberation.” (Or go low-tech and hold up a picture!) For younger children, their sign could be what they think of when they feel included and free.
- Transition to BIPOC-only program (parallel White Anti-Racist Caucus event hosted by Allies for Racial Equity will be available- information to come).
- Introductions and small group connections
- Worship led by Rev. Bill Sinkford (of First Unitarian Portland)
- Keynote and facilitated discussion with Sheila Capestany (of University Unitarian Church in Seattle)
- Next Steps, Check-out, and Farewell
Registration will be accepted until the end of the day on September 18. Please contact Dawn Robinson or (617) 948-4241 if you have any questions about registration. For questions about the program or the Northwest Caucus, please contact Lia Nagase at or Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons
The caucus leadership and program are centered around the geographic region, and participants may attend cross-region based on interest and schedule availability. We recognize that folks move and live with multiple consciousnesses of place and identity.
DRUUMMis the Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries. It’s both a ministry and anti-racist collective bringing lay and religious professionals together to overcome racism through resistance and transform Unitarian Universalism through our multicultural experiences.
Please help us get the word out by sharing with other BIPOC UUs in the Northwest.