Unitarian Universalist Association’s Annual Meeting, General Assembly, is 100% virtual again this year! You can learn more about this year’s theme: Circle ‘Round for Justice, Healing and Courage, as well as, the schedule of events here. https://www.uua.org/ga
The annual meeting being virtual is allowing easier access to more people and lower registration costs, which is in alignment with WSUU’s new delegate policy and our priorities.
This is an ideal year to explore our faith tradition’s largest annual event and represent our community in action! Westside is allowed four delegates this year, who will vote for us during GA business meetings. You can learn more about this important role here:
During WSUU’s 2020 General Assembly delegate determination process, many, including the delegates themselves, expressed concerns that the process for designating and supporting GA delegates was not as clear, democratic, or equitable as our principles call. The board took the opportunity to begin to bring our process into alignment with our values, by creating a policy and procedure for General Assembly delegations, with the expectation that it will be improved over time. The new process for delegate selection involves the Nominating Committee putting forth a slate of delegates, similar to the nomination of each year’s board. The policy defines commitments that delegates can expect of the congregation and commitments the congregation can expect of the delegates. You can find the full policy here .
This year the timing for the nomination and choosing of delegates has not been as originally planned when the policy was developed. The hope is that next year this whole process will unfold in the winter months rather than in spring. Thank you for your patience as we learn and make mistakes. This process will get better as we practice.
This year, the congregation will be asked to approve a slate of delegates attending GA, representing Westside. We will be affirming this slate of delegates determined by the Nominating Committee May 19th-23rd, using the survey tool we have been using this church year to gather information (and having fun with).
If you know someone who would make an excellent delegate (including yourself) this year, please contact at nomcom@wsuu.org.