a sermon by Rev. Margo Rinehart
In her sermon for the July 11 worship service, Rev. Margo referenced the writing of UU minister Rev. Kendyl Gibbons on the topic of cultivating spiritual maturity. Here are the five points on the journey that she described:
1) Developing self-awareness in the service of intention – pay attention to the impact of your actions, understanding where you end and the rest of the universe or another person begins.
2) Choosing an orientation toward reverence and gratitude – treat our very existence and consciousness as an object of reflection, a source of wonder and surprise.
3) Learning the path of surrender – engage the world as we find it, allowing ourselves to feel compassion even in moments of pain
4) Embracing vulnerability – to love anything or anyone is to expose ourselves to the risk of loss
5) Looking toward a wholeness where beauty, justice, mercy, and forgiveness intersect – we cannot make change without acknowledging our humanness.
Rev. Margo also mentioned Valerie Kaur, an American activist, documentary filmmaker, lawyer, educator, and author of See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love (2020). https://valariekaur.com/see-no-stranger/