September 1, 2021
Love of community, safety, and accessibility are our primary goals for our beloved spiritual home. We celebrate all those involved in nurturing our community virtually and in person.
General Guidelines on Church Property Inside and Outside
- Masks are required in all indoor WSUU church spaces unless you are a vaccinated staff member working alone or with other employees, a young child under 2 years of age and/or those who cannot wear a mask due to a health or accessibility need.
- Masks are optional outside the building for vaccinated persons. All unvaccinated persons should wear a mask unless socially distanced. Members and visitors are welcome to eat or drink in the gardens, parking lot or entry areas. Masks must be worn when re-entering the building.
- Please bring your mask to church. Wipes and hand sanitizer will be available in the building.
- Social distancing is encouraged throughout the building, especially when entering and departing.
- No shared food or drink is allowed inside the building including the sanctuary, social hall, and small group meeting spaces. No shared food or coffee/tea will be served during social hour, or provided by small groups, or the Religious Education (RE) program.
- Individuals needing drinks or snacks for health/accessibility reasons are allowed and may remove their mask temporarily to consume the drink or food in the building spaces.
- Ask before giving hugs or shaking hands—not everyone will be comfortable with close contact. Respect social distancing requests at all times.
- Frequent use of hand sanitizer and hand washing is encouraged.
- With the exception of a Sunday service, all persons must enter and exit the building via the office door and schedule meetings through the main office or a staff member.
Sunday Services in our Church Building (some guidelines are still in development)
- All guidelines above will apply before, during and after services in the entry areas, sanctuary, social hall and RE spaces.
- While on the dais and physically distanced, those engaged in conducting the service may remove their mask when speaking or singing.
- Adjustments to the Sunday service format may be made to increase safety and accessibility. For example, live streaming, changes to how the order of service or offering is provided, increasing ventilation by opening windows, or alternating pews are all under consideration.
Small Groups or Meetings in our Building, Off Site, and Virtual (under 20 persons)
- Small group or special event leaders and participants can decide together whether they will meet in the church building (meeting the requirements above), at a public place, personal home or Zoom setting. Preference should be given to the safest and most accessible setting for the highest number of participants.
- All meetings offered at the church building must be scheduled with the office or a staff member. Impromptu meetings are not allowed in the building at this time.
- While in the church building, small group meeting leaders and participants are responsible for wearing masks, not sharing food or drink
- opening windows, and using hand sanitizer in meeting rooms such as the Fireside Room, RE spaces, etc.
- Before leaving a church space, close windows securely, use wipes on all used surfaces and straighten the space (we have Saturday evening limited janitorial services only).
Large Events Inside and Outside our Church Property (20 or more persons)
- Event arrangements (spaces, times) need to be scheduled with the Administrator.
- Inside the building, masks are required. Outside, masks are optional for vaccinated persons. Food and drink need to be consumed outside the building. Members and visitors are welcome to eat or drink in the parking lot or garden areas.
- A buffet line is allowed inside with social distancing and consumption of food and drink outside the building.
- Masks must be worn when re-entering the building to access restrooms, kitchen, and public spaces.
Preventing Infection—Notifying—Responding with Care
- WSUU encourages everyone to be proactive in protecting each other. Vaccinations are highly recommended for all Westside UU members and visitors who are eligible. Download the Washington Exposure Notifications app (Washington Notify) on your phone. Keep others safe. Stay home when ill, isolate from others, and get tested right away if exposed.
- Contact the main office immediately if you or a household member tests positive or has been exposed to a COVID infected individual. If a positive COVID exposure is reported, WSUU will prioritize safety of our congregational community and respond to local and/or state health department instructions.
Please note: The current COVID variants are challenging to predict. These guidelines will be updated as needed to meet state/local health requirements or in the best interests of our congregation. Thank you for the assistance and guidance of the COVID Task Force. Board of Trustees, 8/15/21