Last month, we indicated that the board is working to establish a supervisory relationship with Rev. Christopher and will implement an annual performance review. Here is some more information about the process and how you can participate if you wish to provide input.
Approach to Ministerial Supervision & Evaluation
Since Rev. Christopher is in a period of preliminary fellowship, there is a process in place which requires annual evaluations to support Rev. Christopher’s ministry. The board is working with the Committee on Ministry to provide Rev. Christopher with feedback that will allow him to grow as a minister and better serve our congregation.
As a part of this process, we are soliciting input from the congregation. We have created a survey using the preliminary ministry competencies of the UUA’s Ministerial Fellowship Committee, and we welcome all members of the congregation to comment on the areas of ministry where you have direct experience of Rev. Christopher’s performance (avoid secondhand information). For areas where you have not experienced his work (e.g., you have not sought pastoral care since Rev. Christopher’s arrival), please check “not observed.”
How will the feedback be used?
It is a best practice not to accept anonymous feedback. Your name will be required as a part of the survey. All feedback will be reviewed by designated board members as well as designated Committee on Ministry members. These folks will review all feedback and then summarize it in an evaluation for Rev. Christopher. It is possible we might reach out to someone if we need clarification, or to inquire whether you would like any follow-up. The summary evaluation given to Rev. Christopher will not indicate who provided feedback or link any input with individuals.
The evaluation generated will be considered by Rev. Christopher in conjunction with his own self-evaluation, discussed with the Committee on Ministry, and submitted to the UUA as part of the annual renewal process required in a new minister’s preliminary fellowship. The evaluation will inform Rev. Christopher’s work, his professional development goals, and the supervisory relationship between the board and Rev. Christopher.
Please use the link below to provide feedback via an online survey. The deadline for responses is November 24.
Thank you,
Laura Pierce & Marco Deppe