Board Update for November 2021

Hello friends. You read the subject correctly – although it is now early December, I (Kristina) am writing to provide a November update from the WSUU Board of Trustees. This is often a busy time of year even in normal circumstances; so much has been happening that this month we thought the most sensible thing to communicate would be a summary of the various things we’ve been working on the past few months. Because I am a librarian and I can’t pass up a chance to share resources, I will take this opportunity to remind everyone (or let you know if you didn’t before) that minutes to all of our Board meetings are actually posted on our website. They are in the “Governance & Policies” section, found at Please do peruse them if you’d like to have more detail or if you’d like to admire Laura White’s excellent minutes-taking skills. Each month’s minutes “packet” also includes monthly reports from our Minister, Administrator, Director of Religious Education, Director of Music, Finance Committee, Treasurer, and representative of various committees and groups at WSUU who have active or upcoming work during the timeframe captured. 
On to the summary:

  • In order to increase transparency and serve as record, the names of new and departing members each will be captured in the Administrator report and read aloud during each Board meeting.
  • The Board, members of the WSUU COVID-19 Taskforce, and Reverend Christopher have met several times over the past few months to clarify the roles each would play in determining when and how to start in-person indoor worship.
  • We are working to enhance the existing online Leadership Directory, found in the Members section of the website, so that it is more comprehensive in listing all leadership committees, staff, related advisory and ministry teams, ongoing committees, Ad Hoc and other groups to improve communication, volunteer recruiting and transparency within our active congregation. Part of this work has involved reaching out to those we’re aware have been most recently involved in various groups to ask for consent to be listed and to double check active status in the groups. This work is nearly complete and should be “live” in early December.
  • After a discussion of the pros and cons of a live vs. virtual Auction, it was decided that a virtual auction this year would be more sustainable for volunteers, as well as more accessible and inclusive for our congregation at large. We are grateful to  Kerrie Schurr, Paula vanHaagen, and Mike West for stepping up to co-chair and reimagine our 2022 Auction! As the Auction planning team makes decisions, the Board supports downscaling volunteer work and using some funds from the budget surplus and donation with a focus on equity and community gatherings. 
  • On behalf of the Board, Laura Pierce reached out to individual parents in the RE Council and YAC groups to express support and gather input about moving forward with the RE program. 
  • Simon Kaphus, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, shared the group’s work on plans for the nomination and election of next year’s GA delegates. The goal is to complete the process earlier than last year with an online election occuring in February, giving adequate time for the nomination process, voting, GA delegate preparation, travel planning, and GA input from the congregation. 
  • Marco and Laura Pierce have continued to serve as a supervisory sub-committee for Reverend Christopher. Thanks to all who submitted entries into the online Ministerial Evaluation survey which closed on November 30th. 

As we approach the close of this year and the opening of our building in order to be together in new ways, we thank you for staying engaged.
Sincerely, the WSUU Board of Trustees

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