Board of Trustees Communication for December 2021

Dear Beloved Community,

We send thoughts of joy, gratitude and renewal to each of you during this holiday season! May you be nurtured by the light of love as we reflect on this year and transition into the New Year.

Here are a few community updates from your Board of Trustees:

COVID Policy & Young Children: Several families have inquired regarding when not-yet-vaccinated young children may be able to attend services.  Our current COVID plan, created with care to respond to the feedback provided by congregants on the recent survey, does not allow for any unvaccinated people to attend in-person services at this time.  We want to let you know that the current policy will be reevaluated following another congregation survey in January. Until then, all services will still follow the current policy to keep everyone safe. 

Hospitality Leadership Needed: We hope to offer an outdoor coffee hour once a month starting in January. In order to do this, we need one or more hospitality point people to help organize others to host on Sundays.  Presently, we envision different groups within the congregation volunteering to provide the people power to host each month. Please contact Laura White, at  if you are interested in joining the effort to restart our coffee fellowship time.

December Board Coffee Hour Canceled: Given the timing right after Christmas, our Board Coffee Zoom Hour for Dec 26 is cancelled. Instead, please save the date for the mid-year board update, which will be held on Sunday, January 23 at 1pm via Zoom.

We wish you a peaceful and restorative end to the year and a good start to 2022.

In fellowship, 

Your Board of Trustees

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