Board Reflection from Lisa Maynard
This fall I attended Pam Orbach’s nonviolent communication course with some WSUU members and others not connected with the congregation. At the final meeting we went around the zoom room naming needs that had been met by our participation in the class. Many people mentioned that their need for ‘community’ had been met, and I was struck that people from WSUU named other needs instead, such as ‘learning’ or ‘growth.’ It made me think that involvement in the congregation meets a need for community that is hard to meet elsewhere.
Some participants expressed sadness that the class was ending, and with it that feeling of community. They wanted to figure out a way to continue the connection. I felt like saying, come to WSUU some Sunday! Feel the joy and hope of our community! I did extend the invitation lightly in the chat.
But it made me reflect on the importance of feeling connected. One of the Board’s goals for this year is supporting our vibrant community, in part by encouraging small groups and personal connections. Joining a small group is a great way to get to know people, and to be known.
Here are some easy, low-commitment ways to participate and make connections:
- Join the greeter team (welcoming people in the entry hall on Sunday mornings, helping with nametags and getting oriented)
- Join the hospitality team (making coffee, setting out snacks, cleaning up after social hour)
- Attend a garden work party (weeding, mulching, planting)
- Come to a strum-along (all stringed instruments and voices welcome, second Saturday)
- Join the auction team (soliciting items, entering data, party planning!)
- Check out our new WSUU Find Your People flyer, which lists other ways to connect via small groups.
We have lots of entry points—if you feel like you want to meet a new friend or two, please reach out to Lisa Maynard ( or Laura White (, and Tracy Burrows, Jennifer Disotell, John Hornby, Jim Schlough, Laura Strand, we’ll be happy to help you find a group that fits your interests.