October Board Update

The chill arrived this week in Seattle. Wind and rain have started to urge the color-changed leaves to drop before they are ready. As you are aware, outside forces often are needed to spur change before it is wanted… I am sure that you have all felt such things from time to time. But, as of tonight’s full moon, the leaves have hung on well. Changes of every type, however, are coming – as per the usual.

October’s Board Meeting welcomed one of our newest WSUU team members, Reverand Katie Lawson. It was a delight to spend time with her. If you have yet to met her, please make some time to reach out to her. You will undoubtedly feel the positive energy that such an engagement will bring. During our time together, we learned about the upcoming RE Orientation Program for volunteers on October 20. We hope that you can find time in your busy lives to help support our children and families through any time and talents that you can offer Katie and her team.

Amongst the tasks on the Board’s Agenda was discussion of ways that we can help facilitate sustained growth and inclusion of our membership. Additionally, we discussed ways to improve the support and recognition of our amazing staff. Each of these topics are important on their own, but together, help move us towards a community that continues to live our values. Our membership committee is beginning the new church year with good ideas on how to invite and welcome folks into our spaces. Our facilities committee will soon be asked to help improve accessibility to our chancel, the heart of our church – where voices and ideas are shared.

Good things are happening! Look around. It is not hard to see the good works of our beloved Congregation.

The village that we create is of our own making. From this Board vantage point, I have the pleasure of seeing the designers and architects, the bricklayers and caretakers. The efforts of our community are extraordinary and are so deeply appreciated. This work that we all participate in not only strengthens us a community, but strengthens us as an individual. The learning that happens along the way. The connections that are made throughout. The gift of participation is multifaceted. If you have been looking for your place in the community, but have yet to have landed that perfect role– whether it be assisting RE, serving as a greeter, helping with our building or gardens or helping to create a festive fundraising auction, we have a space for you!  No auditions necessary!  

With deep gratitude,

Jennifer Disotell

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