We’re In This Together – Board Retreat Summarized

A Message from Patti McCall, Board President As promised, my message this month is about the goals your Board of Trustees have set for themselves for our year together.  First, though I need to thank John Britt who expertly and compassionately wrangled, I mean, facilitated the Board and Rev. Alex at the August 26th Board Retreat helping us to wade through the multitude of wishes, passions and ideas that each of us brought to the day.  Sincerely, thank you John. You spent a lot of time preparing a structure for the retreat; then working with us; and finally summarizing which

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We’re All in This Together – “To Support One Another”

Your Board of Trustees will be meeting in just over a week for the annual Board Retreat deciding on our areas of focus and setting our goals for the coming year.  Then, once decided, determining how those goals will support our Mission Statement.  In case you’ve forgotten, our Mission Statement reads: To support one another, expand our minds, and build a more just world. In this letter, I’d like to talk about the first part of our statement,  “to support one another…”.  We are a vibrant, loving community and I am reminded of that before, during and after every Sunday service;

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