October Board Update

The chill arrived this week in Seattle. Wind and rain have started to urge the color-changed leaves to drop before they are ready. As you are aware, outside forces often are needed to spur change before it is wanted… I am sure that you have all felt such things from time to time. But, as of tonight’s full moon, the leaves have hung on well. Changes of every type, however, are coming – as per the usual. October’s Board Meeting welcomed one of our newest WSUU team members, Reverand Katie Lawson. It was a delight to spend time with her.

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Board Update September 27, 2024

Autumn greetings to you from your Board of Trustees. The start of the 2024-25 church year has been full of meaningful activities, all in support of our Beloved Community. The Ingathering was perfect with spirited energy, music, and activities to support connections. We joyously welcomed Katie Lawson as the Director of Religious Exploration. Committees are beginning to meet, covenant groups are gathering. In short, our WSUU congregation is on the move, growing and connecting.  In support of our congregation’s mission, the Board of Trustees has held its annual retreat. The task for the day was to affirm our goals, clarify

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Blessing It All

This year seems to mark the threshold in my life where everyone around me seems to be getting married, and I could not be more thrilled. While I’m (thankfully) not being asked to officiate them all, I am getting to have so many conversations with loved ones about ritual. For many people in our increasingly secular world, marriage ceremonies are a central and primary form of ritual in their lives. More and more, I see couples aware that their wedding is a place to honor their transformation from individuals into a family, and they are putting care into crafting rituals

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Introducing Confluence

Confluence, as defined by Merriam-Webster: 1: a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point 2: the place of meeting of two or more streams Inspired by the UU water communion tradition of bringing water together at our Ingathering service, our worship theme for the the 24-25 church year is Confluence. I believe this is a beautiful metaphor for our community, which is a place where we come together out of our disparate life experiences, where we choose to meet and flow together. If we aspire to be like water, we should always be moving and changing from

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Ingathering Invitation

In just over a week, we Westsiders will be gathering for our annual Ingathering service and social hour. As this marks the start of my second full year as minister in this community, this is a special occasion that I am really looking forward to. Whether or not we took time away for the summer, we will get to greet one another anew. Those of us in leadership roles and on volunteer teams will get to check in with one another after some well-deserved rest. And, there will inevitably be new faces to welcome in: folks who met us at

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A Statement on Palestine

From WSUU Minister, Board of Trustees and Racial Justice Change Team Dear members of the Westside UU Community, As world leaders negotiate for a ceasefire deal between Hamas and the Israeli government, we wanted to send this note of care to you all. Over the past 8 months, we citizens of the world have witnessed unprecedented levels of violence and destruction: the brutal attack that killed over 1,000 people in Israel on October 7, and the more than 36,000 people killed in Palestine since. The numbers are staggering. These statistics, along with personal stories and images from this war, haunt

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Happy Anniversary, Westside!

In march of 2023, one year ago you all welcomed me into your community. And what a year it’s been! It’s tempting to use this kind of platform to hype up the community and name all the hard work folks have put in to make this past year go well. I could talk about the strong worship team who is dedicated and thoughtful in crafting meaningful services that ground us on Sunday mornings. Or all the ways people in this community have shown up for and let themselves be changed by learning Nonviolent Communication and engaging in Right Relations work.

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Welcome to Core Team Corner!

Dear Westsiders,  Do you keep hearing about the Core team and wonder what it is? And why it is? Please read on for a quick view of the origins and future of Westside’s Core team. Please keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive review, and we encourage anyone with questions to reach out and have a conversation with us! You can reach us at coreteam@wsuu.org. Our work with Pam Orbach of the Center for Restorative Solutions began last winter. Members interested in right relations self selected into a group at our Beloved Community Café in the fall of

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Help Identify 2024 General Assembly Delegates for WSUU

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. It will be held Thursday June 20 through Sunday, June 23 and it will be online only.  Anyone may attend! Delegates vote on our behalf, but everyone is encouraged to attend GA! Information about financial aid can be found here. Our GA Delegate Policy charges the Nominating Committee with presenting the congregation with a slate of delegates to vote on.  This policy has the aim of being inclusive! This is because Westside is

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Advent Week 4: Love

Okay, the timing of these blog posts doesn’t neatly align with the Sundays of Advent, so you’re reading this a few days after Christmas. Christmas has come and gone, and in this last week, we reflect on the theme of Love. Those of us lucky to experience deep love in our lives also know that it comes with equal parts pain and loss. And yet, our inner knowing pushes us to love anyway. Unitarian minister, Forrest Church, writes: “Whenever we give our hearts in love, the burden of our vulnerability grows. We risk being rebuffed or embarrassed or inadequate. Beyond

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