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Don’t Fence Me In – Rev. Christopher Wulff with Larry Brennan

2022-02-13 10:30 2022-02-13 11:30 America/Los_Angeles Don’t Fence Me In – Rev. Christopher Wulff with Larry Brennan

Event Start Date:02/16/2025Event End Date:02/16/2025Event Venue:Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, February 13th. When the Andrews Sisters sang, Don’t Fence Me In, they gave voice to the desire to be unconstrained, to be free to be ourselves. But that freedom to be ourselves requires that we also love others as themselves, and that can be so hard when we’re changing, transforming people all the time. How do our relationships, romantic and otherwise, ask of us to make space for our changing selves and the changes in others? How do we hold our commitments with love and recognition of the blessing that transformation can sometimes bring, and the pain that can come alongside. Larry Brennan and Rev. Christopher reflect on how we respond to changes in relationships, while Music Director Scott Farrell offers special music from the Andrews Sisters and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Order of Service Prelude Ringing of the Bell Call to Community: Everything Hurt is Healed Again, words and music by Starhawk (from Kore’s Chant), arr. Kathleen Tracy Welcome and Invitation Opening Words Chalice Lighting & Congregational Affirmation: Hymn: Love Is by Abbie Bettinis Time for All Ages Offering: Unitarian Universalist Trauma Response Ministry Gift of Music: Don’t Fence Me In by Cole Porter Joys and Sorrows Reading Anthem: Love Changes Everything, music by Andrew Lloyd Weber, Lyrics by Don Black & Charles Hart Sharing and Sermon Sending Hymn: #1014 Answering the Call of Love Closing Words and Releasing the Flame Five Fold Amen Postlude

Westside's YouTube Channel
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Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, February 13th.

When the Andrews Sisters sang, Don’t Fence Me In, they gave voice to the desire to be unconstrained, to be free to be ourselves. But that freedom to be ourselves requires that we also love others as themselves, and that can be so hard when we’re changing, transforming people all the time. How do our relationships, romantic and otherwise, ask of us to make space for our changing selves and the changes in others? How do we hold our commitments with love and recognition of the blessing that transformation can sometimes bring, and the pain that can come alongside. Larry Brennan and Rev. Christopher reflect on how we respond to changes in relationships, while Music Director Scott Farrell offers special music from the Andrews Sisters and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Order of Service

Ringing of the Bell
Call to Community: Everything Hurt is Healed Again, words and music by Starhawk (from Kore’s Chant), arr. Kathleen Tracy
Welcome and Invitation
Opening Words
Chalice Lighting & Congregational Affirmation:
Hymn: Love Is by Abbie Bettinis
Time for All Ages
Offering: Unitarian Universalist Trauma Response Ministry
Gift of Music: Don’t Fence Me In by Cole Porter
Joys and Sorrows
Anthem: Love Changes Everything, music by Andrew Lloyd Weber, Lyrics by Don Black & Charles Hart
Sharing and Sermon
Sending Hymn: #1014 Answering the Call of Love
Closing Words and Releasing the Flame
Five Fold Amen