Spark Sunday – January 5th 10:30am
From 10:30 am to 12:00 pmEvent Start Date:02/16/2025Event End Date:02/16/2025Event Venue:1st Sundays are Spark Sundays! Our next event is January 5th in the Social Hall (front entrance on California & Othello remains locked, please enter through north parking lot door). Doors: 10:00 a.m. for coffee and conversation Activities: 10:30 Potluck Lunch: 12:00 no theme – bring whatever gives you joy! Spark activities will be facilitated by Storey Squires and Shannon Day and will include reflections on the year behind and the brand new year we are starting! Do you ever sit in the pews during worship services and wish that you knew others in this community better? Do you crave more joy, meaning and connection in your life? Are you longing for deeper conversations about topics that really matter in our lives today? Please plan to join us each first Sunday for this time in community where we will have some structure for connection and discussion, facilitated by our Right Relations Core Team. Questions?
7141 California Avenue Southwest, Seattle, WA, USAEvent Start Date: 02/16/2025 | Event End Date: 02/16/2025 | Event Venue: |
1st Sundays are Spark Sundays!
Our next event is January 5th in the Social Hall (front entrance on California & Othello remains locked, please enter through north parking lot door).
Doors: 10:00 a.m. for coffee and conversation
Activities: 10:30
Potluck Lunch: 12:00 no theme – bring whatever gives you joy!
Spark activities will be facilitated by Storey Squires and Shannon Day and will include reflections on the year behind and the brand new year we are starting!
Do you ever sit in the pews during worship services and wish that you knew others in this community better? Do you crave more joy, meaning and connection in your life? Are you longing for deeper conversations about topics that really matter in our lives today? Please plan to join us each first Sunday for this time in community where we will have some structure for connection and discussion, facilitated by our Right Relations Core Team. Questions?