Common Quest -Spring Quarter Changes, and What Knowledge or Talents Can YOU Share?

The Common Quest Committee is busily shifting our offerings to online for Spring Quarter (which runs from April through early June). If you are among those who have already submitted a proposal, we will contact you soon to finalize the details of your offering. So far, we have presenters lined up to teach us about Melungeons, Stoping (yes, just one p!), and possibly Mindfulness Meditation. More details on these will be published in the eNews in the near future. (Sorry folks, no quarterly schedule.) We would love to have even more offerings to keep our community’s minds growing and positively

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A Message from your Stewardship Team

Our Westside congregation has been very generous over the years. This is a time for our generosity to match our hopes. Our community will endure as we embrace our vision for the future and our love for each other. We are all a bit nervous about the effect these uncertain times will have on ourselves, on our congregation, and on funding for the congregation next year. Many of us are going to be challenged and will find it difficult to make decisions as we peer into the unknown. We know some might need to give less to our congregation. We

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Shifting to the Long Haul Together

Monday marked an intense day for the West Seattle and Westside UU community, with the announcement about the West Seattle bridge closure and the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order happening almost at the same time. However this news landed for you, we invite you to take a moment, take a breath, and be gentle with yourself.  The changes will continue to unfold AND you are a part of a beloved community that cares about you.  Please do not struggle in silence or alone. Westside UU Congregation continues to adapt with intention, holding our mission and vision central to our

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Inclusive Language Is Evolving Language – by Jade Sylvan, UUA LGBTQ Ministries and Clara Barton Gender Justice Fellow

Dear Friends, Many LGBTQ+ people see their self-identifying language shift over their lifetimes, even if their identities themselves do not change. As our access to language and community evolves, we might “come out” to our friends, family, and congregations, sometimes many times within a relationship. In fact, new language continues to be workshopped in LGBTQ+ communities as we search for words that best communicate our particular and shared experiences. I feel this is a great strength of the LGBTQ+ community. At our best, we are always actively evolving. I often see challenges arise around change within Unitarian Universalist communities, both

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We Are Bringing Back Congregational Care Clusters!!

The board would like to offer gratitude for the good thinking and input we have received to help to navigate our path through this time. Input and ideas are always welcomed, so that we can benefit as a community from the collective awareness and wisdom we bring. The board has identified caring for one another as a top priority at this time. We do have budget-making processes going forward in the background. AND we are making space to focus on what it can look like to strengthen our connections and mutual support. These radical times are an opportunity for us

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WSUU & COVID-19 – Making Space for All That Emerges From Jade Lowry, Board President

We are entering a unique time, for sure. In this next unknown stretch of time, spaciousness, flexibility and slowing down will be essential to how we continue to operate as a community. This was not my first reaction in recent days and nights. I would say that anxiety and overwhelm have been my default reactions. So I feel grateful for all the people who are seeing a path forward in this, and for the wisdom that is being shared. One of those people we are fortunate to have with us, is Rev. Deanna. She has calmly shared deep wisdom from her experience

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The Bridge – Thomas Terence Board Trustee

On the first day of 5th grade, my teacher announced that we were going to do things a little different this year. She said we were going to be in middle school next year so we would have to have more responsibility this year. Plus, we had to show the younger kids how things were done. First up, our teacher said we would fill out our own registration cards. We didn’t have to bring them home to have our parents fill them out anymore. It made sense – all of us should know our address and phone number and parent’s

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Budget Development, 2020-2021 – Opportunity for Input

The Finance Committee will soon prepare a draft budget for the Board of Trustees. The budget will reflect our estimates of recurring costs, some discretionary changes such as salary increases, and will attach a list of all requested changes submitted to us. Our draft budget will reflect the Board’s guidance to keep it flat yet open to strategical priorities. As those of you who attended the midyear update learned, next year will have higher costs, primarily due to a full-time called minister, inflation and staff salaries. We have been stashing unanticipated income in a special account to help us meet

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WSUU Membership Winter/Spring 2020 – Join on your schedule!

Interested in joining Westside UU on a more flexible schedule? Have young children at home or a busy work schedule? This winter and spring, the Membership Committee is offering an individual or family one-to-one join option for newcomers and non-members, without allotting time for our usual three-class introduction. You can arrange a meeting at a mutually agreed time and place (allow 1 1/2 hours) to complete our membership orientation and pledge. Learn more about Unitarian Universalism, discuss the “nuts and bolts” of our thriving Westside UU community, and connect to your personal interests. In the fall, as a New Member, you

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Help us Identify Candidates to Serve on Our 2020-21 Board of Trustees!

As your 2020 Nominating Committee, it is our task to select a slate of qualified Board candidates for the congregation’s consideration at our June 7th Annual Meeting. We would like to ask for your suggestions as we begin this process. All members of WSUU are eligible to serve on Westside’s Board of Trustees. Board positions include president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and trustee at large. We will also be seeking nominations for next year’s Nominating Committee. Some of the qualities we are hoping to find in nominees include: Community builders and advocates; Ability to hold what is beloved, and be

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