Help us Identify Candidates to Serve on Our 2020-21 Board of Trustees!

As your 2020 Nominating Committee, it is our task to select a slate of qualified Board candidates for the congregation’s consideration at our June 7th Annual Meeting. We would like to ask for your suggestions as we begin this process. All members of WSUU are eligible to serve on Westside’s Board of Trustees. Board positions include president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and trustee at large. We will also be seeking nominations for next year’s Nominating Committee. Some of the qualities we are hoping to find in nominees include: Community builders and advocates; Ability to hold what is beloved, and be

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Would You Like to Serve on Westside’s New Music Council? – Jade Lowry

As Scott Farrell steps into his role as our Music Director, we want to offer him strong supports to create a path of success for this next phase of Westside’s music ministry. As with our DRE and our Religious Exploration program, he will have the supportive supervision of our minister. He will benefit from the professional development, resources, and mentoring offered through the Association of Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries. He collaborates with local UU music director colleagues. And we are re-establishing a music council, that Scott and our Chorale are calling our “Music Worship Support Team!” Scott, the board, our

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Do You Know About This Year’s Raise the Paddle Focus for the Auction?

Our board could not be more excited about this year’s Raise the Paddle focus! We are riding on the powerful movement that started years ago, and resulted this past fall in celebrating the installation of our lift. Our focus is ACCESSIBILITY – ensuring that we are doing everything we can to allow everyone to access our congregational life. We have an extraordinary congregation. We are vibrant and loving. We are thinkers and doers. There is a warmth at Westside, a magnetism of love, and we are learning to expand it – to be more and more inclusive and welcoming. The

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The Board Unveils our Raise the Paddle Focus!

Each year for our auction, we have a Raise the Paddle segment to raise money for a particular project or need in the congregation. The priority project has typically been identified by the board. Some examples in the past are the redesign of the admin office and the redesign of the nursery. In the last few years, we have focused these funds on bolstering our operating budget. However, with the careful planning of last year’s board and the forethought of our treasurer – Shelley – and the finance committee, we are fortunate to be able to highlight a special project

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Music Ministry Update

Music Ministry Update: Please Welcome Scott Farrell as our Permanent Music Director! Jade Lowry, Board President We have been in transition in many ways in the past four years. This year’s board was confronted with navigating our bridge and music ministries and how to contract with our bridge minister and our acting music director when our called minister isn’t coming until so late in the year, which was not what this community had initially planned for. In an effort to be inclusive, transparent and collaborative, the board engaged in an open and unstructured process – for better or worse –

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An MLK Day Message from UUA President, Susan Frederick-Gray

“The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state. It must be the guide and the critic of the state, and never its tool. If the church does not recapture its prophetic zeal, it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority.”  ~Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   Deanna, On this MLK Day it is imperative that we not only remember his words but understand how his words, actions and leadership call us to live and act today. Some imaginations give us

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Bridge Notes 1.10.2020

It was a joy to begin a new year and a new decade worshiping with y’all on Sunday, dear ones.     After service, the Worship Planning Team met, and I have a few notes to share. Revisiting the arch, with good process this time (with gratitude for the grace of everyone who experienced the abrupt change in December that did not honor the change-making process of this congregation):   One of the loving traditions at Westside is to sing children and youth to their religious exploration (RE) programs after the Time for All Ages.  For many years, congregants have turned and formed

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Board Update from Jade Lowry, President

Dear Beloved Westside Community, In this month of long hours of darkness, as I feel pulled to go inward with introspection and also outward to participate in holiday ceremonies and festivities, I’ve noticed how grateful I feel to be living in community. Our community has an incredible generosity of spirit, and we have seen that through the past month as we received input from over 70 of you, sharing your experiences with our bridge and music ministries. We are committed to opening pathways for all voices in our community to be heard and honored, and for all voices to have

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Holiday Bridge Notes – Rev. Deanna Vandiver

This Public Service Announcement brought to you by your Unitarian Universalist bridge minister who has just been creatively reminded by the universe of this important truth.   Beloveds, in the crush of this season of holidays, remember that YOU GOT PEOPLE.   Contrary to the images of loneliness and unworthiness being projected onto us during this commercialized season – you are intimately and ultimately connected to all of creation. Whether you buy or receive holiday gifts, send cards, light menorahs, kinaras, Christmas trees, or bonfires – during the longest nights of the year and during the longest days and every

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Season’s Greetings from Rev. Christopher Wulff

Seasons’ Greetings Westsiders! Here in Toronto, we’ve been buried under some big snows, cast angels in the billowing powder, and careened down hills on carpets of magic. This morning’s snow has left only a light dusting on the ground, but we are surrounded by signs and sounds of the season at every turn. As much as it has been hard being away from you all, this fall has been an enormous gift of time with family and friends, resting in the love that is and anticipating all that is yet to come. The spirit of advent, that pregnant pause of

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