Tips and Suggestions for Online Auction Bidding

Take a few moments to explore this website’s features you might appreciate. For example, check out the tabs at the top of the homepage, such as “List of Event Dates” – you might save or print it to keep it handy. Click on “Donors” to see who you recognize in the photos and the local businesses supporting our Auction. On items you want to bid on, click on the Star next to the FB and Twitter symbols under “Next Item”, and then you will have a shortcut to see your starred items via the Online Auction Catalog’s title page “Show

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Aid for Ukraine

Donations for Ukrainian Refugees As we all watch the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, we are reminded of the interdependence of our world. This is especially true for us at Westside because our Transylvanian partner church is located in Romania, right next to Ukraine. Refugees, primarily women and children, are fleeing the war in great numbers to countries adjoining Ukraine, including Romania. Often they arrive with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.We have an opportunity to support the efforts of the Hungarian Unitarian Church to minister to the urgent needs of these refugees. Donations can be made through the International Women’s Convocation

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Board Update 3.11.22

Beloved Community, As promised in our discussions this weekend, the Board would like to provide more context around the mutual agreement of Rev. Christopher’s transition out of his ministry with Westside UU. We will focus on the Board of Trustees ministerial supervision process in this communication.  In the fall, the Board designated Laura Pierce and Marco Deppe as leads to work regularly with Rev. Christopher in a supervisory capacity with the goal of nurturing the health of our congregation, building collaboration, supporting effective leadership, responding to issues or concerns together and mutual respect of open communication. Supervision of our minister

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Ideas for Swing into Spring Auction Donations

Do you need a little inspiration to help you choose what you would like to offer for this year’s auction? You’re in luck! Below you will find a long list of ideas brainstormed by the auction committee with the help of some other wonderful members. If you feel overwhelmed at the prospect of taking on one of the events or services or maybe you’re excited but don’t have good space to hold an event, consider reaching out to your fellow congregants to partner. Many people have done this in the past and it works very well! Haul things to Goodwill,

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Voting Starts Soon for our 2022 GA Delegates!

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. It will be June 22 – 26 and it will be both online and in-person in Portland, Oregon. Anyone may attend! Delegates vote on our behalf, but everyone is encouraged to attend GA! Information about financial aid can be found here. Our GA Delegate Policy, which was new and improved last year, charges the Nominating Committee with presenting the congregation with a slate of Delegates to vote on. This replaces the informal policy

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Christmas Eve service moves to online only. Join us for in-person caroling at 6pm!

Friends, members, beloveds, I am beyond gutted to have to share this message with you. Know that I wish so badly that these times were other than they are, as I know you do. And yet, we find ourselves again invited to make a choice to preserve community health as best we are able, to trust in our resilience, our love and connection. On behalf of the staff and congregational leaders, I am writing to let you know that we have decided that, due to a rapidly accelerating spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 throughout the world and increasingly

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Board of Trustees Communication for December 2021

Dear Beloved Community, We send thoughts of joy, gratitude and renewal to each of you during this holiday season! May you be nurtured by the light of love as we reflect on this year and transition into the New Year. Here are a few community updates from your Board of Trustees: COVID Policy & Young Children: Several families have inquired regarding when not-yet-vaccinated young children may be able to attend services.  Our current COVID plan, created with care to respond to the feedback provided by congregants on the recent survey, does not allow for any unvaccinated people to attend in-person

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The Holidays at Westside

Blue Holidays December 18th, 4:30 – Zoom The holiday season can be especially difficult for lots of folks, filled with the grief of loss, of loneliness, of challenging relationships or a haunting church trauma. Especially when the world around us seems to call out for joy unceasing. Come together with Rev. Christopher for a time of meditation and prayer, where sadness and melancholy are allowed, our burdens shared and lightened. Solstice Service December 21st, 7-8pmLabyrinth opens at 5pm, closes at 9pmMyrtle Reservoir Park (35th and Myrtle) The longest night approaching, let us gather under night sky and give thanks

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We’re Hiring a Worship Technology Assistant

After almost two years of extraordinary volunteer leadership by our AV Tech Team, we are now hiring a Worship Technology Assistant to take on this essential work of ensuring that our services remain accessible to members and friends who aren’t able to be in the sanctuary. They’ll also take on some of the presentation and preparation tasks associated with worship which had been on the desks of other staff members. The job description is below and we encourage you to share it with your networks and help us find a great new member of our worship staff team. Worship Technology

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