"I am a UU because I want to join hands with others to create a community where we grow spiritually, where we support each other, and where we work to create a world in which everyone matters, is free, respected and lives in peace."
- Rev. Peter Morales

  • Elders who play an important role in all aspects of congregational life and are valued for the wisdom and life skills we bring.
  • Parents who take an active part in the congregation and appreciate the classes available for our children & youth
  • Children & Youth who have fun learning and growing together in a safe and supportive atmosphere
  • Singles and couples who enjoy participating in a variety of community activities with other like minded people
  • LGBTQ singles and couples who are respected, welcomed and valued as individuals in our congregation.
  • People who genuinely celebrate our differences in race, culture, sexual identity, religious/philosophical point of view.


Copyright Unitiarian Universalist Association

At Westside Unitarian Universalist (WSUU) and in Unitarian Universalist congregations everywhere, we are inspired by our seven principles, our  liberal faith history and spiritual teachings, science, reason, conscience, personal discovery and inquiry.

The Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
  • The rights of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part

Our vision: We create an inclusive, diverse Unitarian Universalist community nurturing spiritual growth and working for justice. Our mission: We support one another, expand our minds, and build a more just world. Our Covenant with One Another: In order to guide our worship, actions, and learning by the Seven Principles [ADD LINK], we at Westside commit to the following:

  • Know one another and build friendships together
  • Provide meaningful and inspiring worship reflecting our diverse backgrounds and beliefs
  • Offer outstanding religious exploration for all ages
  • Nourish the spiritual growth of youth by teaching our principles, inspiring a search for spiritual meaning, and encouraging their participation in our congregation
  • Celebrate music as a vital part of worship and our community
  • Work against all injustice and oppression
  • Serve, educate, advocate and be a witness for economic, environmental, and social justice
  • Give generously of our time, resources, and talents’
  • Embrace diversity and create a welcoming and inclusive community
  • Enable full participation in the life of the congregation by eliminating physical and social barriers
  • Be an active force for good in our wider community


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