February 9th, 2025

Prelude John Hansen

Ringing of the Bell

Call to Community: # 1003 “Where Do We Come From?”

Call to Worship

Chalice Lighting & Congregational Affirmation– David Bullington

Community Connection

Hymn: #1071 “On the Dusty Earth Drum”

Time for All Ages: “Twelve Days of Lunar New Year”

Singing the Children Out: As You Go

Offering: White Center Food Bank

Gift of Music: “Dancing at the Festival” by Chris McEwen on fiddle

Joys and Sorrows

Time of Meditation & Pastoral Prayer

Sung Response: “There Is a Love”

Reading, “Things We Carried on the Sea” by Wang Ping

Anthem: “Bright Morning Star Arising” Traditional folk song arranged by The Wailin’ Jennys performed by Rainier Reunion

Sermon: “Tending the Hearth” Rev. Carter Smith

Sending Hymn: #1068 “Rising Green”

Gratitude & Announcements

Closing Words and Releasing the Flame

Music for Exiting: “Go Well My Friend” by Carolyn McDade

Postlude John Hansen

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