Sunday, September 22nd
Prelude: John Hansen
Ringing of the Bell
Call to Community: #361 “Enter, Rejoice, and Come In”
Call to Worship
Chalice Lighting & Congregational Affirmation: Steve Bennett
Community Connection
Hymn: #128 “For All That Is Our Life”
Time for All Ages: “Meet Katie!” with our new Director of Religious Exploration, Rev. Katie Lawson
Singing the Children Out: “As You Go”
Offering: Front and Centered (Give by Text: 616-404-4171)
Gift of Music: “Amazing Things” by Jana Stanfield and Megon McDonough, performed by Scott Farrell
Joys and Sorrows
Time of Meditation & Pastoral Prayer
Sung Response: “There is a Love”
Reading: “Where God Is” by Kenny Wiley
Anthem: “We Will Join Our Hearts Together” written and performed by Scott Farrell
Sermon: Rev. Carter, “With Souls that Make Our Souls Wiser”
Sending Hymn: #354, “We Laugh, We Cry”
Gratitude and Announcements
Closing Words & Releasing the Flame
Music for Exiting: “Go Well, My Friend” by Carolyn McDade
Postlude: John Hansen