Beyond Categorical Thinking

As our Congregation embarks on a journey to call its next minister, Jo Victoria will challenge us to promote inclusive thinking and avoid unfair discrimination during our search process. We will be encouraged to put our Unitarian Universalist values into action as we find the minister who is the best fit for us. This service continues themes explored during a workshop on “Beyond Categorical Thinking” held the previous day.

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Buddhist Perspectives on Death

What are the Buddhist perspectives on death and the self? Rev. Alex will address this question and offer stories from his own experience as someone whose life is deeply aligned with Buddhist teachings. In addition, this service will offer an “In Memoriam Tribute” to the loved ones of members and friends who passed-on during the year.

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The Politics of God

Does God care who wins elections? If so, what would be the criteria for God’s judgment? Or, can we even conjecture that there is a God that is conscious of human behavior and therefore interested in affecting it…or even able to? A favorite speaker at Westside, Rev. Bloom is an American Baptist minister with more than thirty years of ecumenical leadership experience in Seattle on social justice.

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Highly Holy

The notion of atonement is inherently religious, but not at all exclusive to Jewish or Christian practices. Are we to forgive? To make reparations? To become whole? Today I will ask Unitarians and Universalists to consider an approach to atonement that is both rational and heartfelt and, perhaps, the entire reason for religion of any kind.

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The Second Source: Can the Power of Prophecy Challenge Us?

What does it mean to be prophetic in this 21st century world? Is it warning us or preparing us for the unknown future? Today we will explore the meaning of the Second Source: “Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love”

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Transgender Justice

This service will explore transgender justice through a Unitarian Universalist lens. Westside member Simon Knaphus will talk about how growing up Unitarian Universalist made an impact on his journey as a trans* person, and how the Seven Principles call for us to know ourselves and step together into a future abundant with justice.

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The Sources of Our Faith

UU’s know the Seven Principles quite well but what about the Six Sources? This service will be the first of several to explore the meaning and power of the Six Sources that refresh and nurture the Principles in every generation.

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