We Are Family – Deb Dahrling with Lisa Reitzes

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:Whether your family is blood kin or is one you’ve created, the things that bond a family are acceptance, love and support. For 50 years PFLAG has helped thousands of LGBTQ+ people and their families learn how to support and encourage one another with love and pride. Keeping families together and leading with love—that’s PFLAG. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, October 8.

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Transformation Is Who We Are – Rev. Carter Smith

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:As Unitarian Universalists, we believe that faith is a journey, and that truth is always unfolding. As a result, our understanding of our faith and this community is always evolving. This service will look back at histories of change within our faith movement, and the spiritual ancestors who can help us understand the importance of transformation as part of our religious inheritance. September’s worship theme is Transformation. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service on Sunday, September 24 at 10:30 am.

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Faithfully Becoming: Ingathering Service – Rev. Carter Smith

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:As we enter into a new church year together, come to celebrate the turning of the seasons and the spirit of transformation awake in all of our lives! This multi-generational service will feature joyful music, a water communion, and a blessing of stones for joys and sorrows. Please bring as you feel called: small containers of water from places special to you, and stones that can be held comfortably in the palm of the hand that you would like to give to this community. Click here to join the livestream of this Worship Service at

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“No Matter What” – Rev. Carter Smith

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:An exploration of our Universalist heritage and our faith’s “Good News” that all are loved and all are able to be drawn into our circle of community. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, August 27.

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Some Keep the Sabbath – A Collaborative Service Led by Rick Taylor

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:In her poem “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church,” Emily Dickinson tells us that spirituality extends beyond the confines of church: that some have private spiritual practices, in her case “With a Bobolink for a Chorister / And an Orchard, for a Dome.” Responding to the Rev. Alex Jensen’s call for radical vulnerability, three members of our Beloved Community will speak about their own spiritual practices. Together, we will represent the great diversity in our understanding and practice of spirituality and our collective celebration and nurturing of that diversity. Click here to join the

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Radical Vulnerability – Rev. Alex Jensen with Lisa Reitzes

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:Being vulnerable is scary. Dr. Brené Brown reminds us that it’s “the heart, the center of meaningful human experiences”. Why is vulnerability so good––and yet so challenging––for us and those around us? Our worship services are currently offered in person in our sanctuary and online via our YouTube Channel. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, July 23.

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June Community Circle Replaces 4th Sunday Worship

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:Due to our Annual meeting falling on the first Sunday of June our community circle was moved from the first Sunday to the 4th Sunday for June.  Look for an RSVP to this community circle in the Westside Week eNewsletter. The community circle will take place from 10:00-12:00 on Sunday,  June 25th.  Doors open at 9:3o for coffee and conversation.

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Covenanting Together in Liminal Times – Rev. Carter Smith with Liz Bucklew

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:The past few years have been a time of change and upheaval in our UU Communities and the wider world. What does it mean to come together as a congregation in these times? What skills do we need to engage the challenges we are faced with and emerge anew? Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, July 9.

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What We Value in Our Beloved Community: A Multigenerational RE Celebration Service – Rev. Carter Smith, DRE Jade Wilde with Chris Darnell as Worship Assoc.

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:Join us in this annual celebration of our children and youth and their rite of passage transitions into kindergarten, middle school, high school, and young adulthood. Our creative liturgy will engage all ages in considering what we value in our Westside community, and in expressing our gratitude for the gifts we share. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service on Sunday, June 11 at 10:30 am. 

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Remembrance: A Poetry Service – Lisa Reitzes

Event Start Date:02/10/2025Event End Date:02/10/2025Event Venue:In the return of the much-beloved Poetry Service, Lisa Reitzes as Worship Associate will be joined by several Westside members serving as poetry readers and performers on the theme of “Remembrance.” Click here to join the livestream of this worship service on Sunday, May28 at 10:30 am.

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