Aisha Hauser, MSW is the Director of Lifelong Learning at East Shore Unitarian Church in Bellevue, WA. Aisha K. Hauser, MSW, has been a religious educator since 2003. She has served three congregations and was the director of Children and Family Programs at the Unitarian Universalist Association. She is an accomplished educator, curriculum developer, facilitator, author and anti-racism advocate. She has been in the Seattle area since 2013 and has offered workshops all over the country and several in the northwest including, Jefferson Community Center in Beacon Hill, Shoreline City Hall, Shoreline Community College, at the Diversity and Inclusion Conference in Salem, OR and the Race and Pedagogy Conference in Tacoma, WA. Aisha received the 2018 Angus H. MacLean Award for Excellence in Religious Education. She is a co-creator with Christina Rivera and Kenny Wiley of Teach-In materials to support UU congregations in understanding and fighting against white supremacy. Aisha is a contributor to the groundbreaking 2017 book, *Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity and Power in Ministry* and co-wrote, with Gail Forsyth-Vail, the accompanying study guide. She holds a Master of Social Work degree from Hunter College in New York City.