This page includes resources that express a range of perspectives on the 8th Principle. We encourage those who are seeking additional information on the 8th Principle to explore these resources. Some of the resources offer an affirming perspective and others offer a dissenting perspective.
Beloved Community Café Results Fifty-five WSUU members and friends joined together on September 18 th and 21 st to imagine the future of our congregation as we commit to building a beloved community and to begin to
identify first steps in achieving a future that is grounded in the values of the 8th Principle.
Paula Cole Jones Workshop: 25 Years Toward an Anti-Racist Unitarian Universalist Association This YouTube video covers Paula Cole Jones’s workshop on the 25-year history of UU antiracism efforts beginning with the 1997 resolution passed at GA. Presented June 1, 2022, via Zoom to the 8th Principle Learning Community(Facebook group) and shared with permission.
8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism Website
A website representing the perspective of the founders of the 8th Principle. It includes a background section with answers to frequently asked questions.
8th Principle, Pathway to Beloved Community (29:55 min video)
A February 2021 sermon presented by Paula Cole Jones, one of the creators of the 8th Principle at the Community Church of New York. The sermon provides background on the 8th Principle and example of the experiences of congregations that have adopted the 8th Principle.
A Critique of the Proposed 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism by Kenneth Ing
This comprehensive critique is from Kenneth Ing. This critique is available by viewing Ken’s YouTube presentation (84 minutes) or by reviewing the PDF version of that presentation.
Examples of Actions that Westside UU has Taken to be Accountable in the Work of Dismantling Racism and other Oppressions
A paper prepared by Westside’s Racial Justice Change Team (RJCT) that documents examples of what it means to be accountable to doing anti-racism work. The examples are work that Westside has recently engaged in.
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville’s webpage
The congregation’s 8th Principle webpage that explains what the adoption of the 8th Principle means to their congregation and specifically shows how the 8th principle has been incorporated into the church’s list of principles and sources.
List of Congregations that have adopted the 8th Principle
A list of over 125 congregations that have adopted the 8th Principle.
Seven Principles Seven Stars-some thoughts from the Rev. Craig Moro
Reverend Craig Moro is from Wy’East UU Congregation in Portland, Oregon. Rev. Moro has been an active participant in discussions hosted by UUMUAC and the Fifth Principle Project (see below). Rev. Moro’s critique includes several links at the end. None of these links address the 8th principle directly but focus on white fragility and critical race theory. (7 page PDF).
UU Church of Akron Motion to Adopt the 8th Principle (2:30 min. video)
This video includes several congregation members who speak to the specific opportunities that the 8th Principle provides for building a Beloved Community, including making the governance more responsive to the diverse experiences and needs of congregation members and working toward economic justice in the community.
Why I oppose adoption of the 8th principle – John Britt
I include this critique because it is the only example I know of that does not rely on UUA trends and events for its rationale. It assumes the language of the proposed 8th principle can be interpreted using commonly understood meanings. It does not assume “special meanings” that require knowledge of UUA history, prior programs, documents, etc. (2 page PDF)
Why I Support the 8th Principle
A statement of support for the 8th Principle by Marcy Langrock, a Board Member of East Shore Unitarian Church. Eastshore Unitarian Church in Bellevue voted to adopt the 8th Principle in 2021.
Organizational Resources
Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM)
DRUUMM has voted to adopt the 8th Principle. The DRUUMM website includes the organization’s core values and other information that shows the connections between their work and the 8th Principle.
Fifth Principle Project
The Fifth Principle Project has not taken an official position on the 8th Principle but has deep concerns about the recent trends and actions by UUA leadership. Read any of the discussion topics listed. Most are relevant to dissenting perspectives.
JUUstice Washington
JUUstice Washington has endorsed the 8th Principle. It is a network of Washington State-based Unitarian Universalist congregations and organizations and their allies and partners, working on creating the necessary changes to address the many challenges brought on by social and environmental injustice.
Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Council
The Council has not taken an official position on the 8th Principle but has deep concerns about the recent trends and actions by UUA leadership. Open & read the Manifesto PDF on the front page.