
When you donate to Westside, you practice generosity and support the work we do to create love, justice and peace in the world.  We receive no financial support beyond that offered by members, friends and the rental of our home.  Read on to learn about a variety of ways to contribute!

Stewardship – Pledging

2024 Stewardship Campaign

It's the time of year when we renew our financial commitment to our congregation. We think about what the congregation means to us, and we pledge money and time. Westside’s yearly priorities and budget result from our collective commitments.

To keep our congregation’s work going, we each need to contribute our time, our talent, and -- yes -- our treasure. As a congregation, we use our money for professional staff salaries, mortgage, utilities, but also much more. We share one-third of every Sunday morning's undesignated gifts with local agencies to extend our good work beyond the congregation. We are offering up our facility for use by special organizations in the community.

Please make your financial pledge to help fund our beloved community's critical needs over the coming year. We don't suggest specific amounts or specific percentages; and we certainly don't want you to "give until it hurts." Maybe the way to think about it is to "give until it feels good and right." It feels good and right to be courageous, to continue to participate, to give money ... even just to keep on going when the path forward is not yet clear.

Off-line Pledging

If you prefer a paper version Click here to download and print a form.  Forms should be mailed to 7141 California Ave SW, Seattle WA 98136.

How much should I pledge?

That's a great question. Many of our congregants are giving for their first time and would like some guidance. We can't tell you the right amount for you but we do ask that you make a meaningful gift. Westside's average pledge is $2200 annually.  Click here for the fair share contribution guide from the UUA. Fair Share Givers commit between 2 percent and 10 percent of their household income, based on their ability to give and their commitment to our church.  We build our annual budget based on these financial commitments. Typically we hold our pledge drive annually in the spring but a pledge can be made at any time.

What Are the Ways I Can Pay My Pledge?

The quick answer is.. any way that works for you!

  • Drop a check in the collection basket on a Sunday worship morning.  Put "Pledge" in the memo line.
  • Mail a check to church (WSUU 7141 California Ave SW, Seattle WA 98136)
  • Set up a repeating bill pay from your financial institution and they will send a check (usually no fees charged for this!)
  • Have Westside set up payments from your credit card or bank account (1.5-3.2% fee charged to WSUU)
  • Gift of stock
  • Required Minimum IRA distributions
  • Gifts from a Donor-advised Funds

Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation Tax ID # 91-1763220

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Online and Text Giving

Using Westside's secure online giving page you can give a one-time gift, set up a pledge, make a pledge payment, pay for an OWL session and more!

We also offer a convenient Give by Text service. These donations are shared with our selected community charity of the month. Simply send a text to 616-404-4171 and enter "$" and the amount you would like to donate. The first time you give you will be prompted to set up payment information but subsequent gifts will not require those steps. To update your payment setting please text "update" to the same number.  Many of our members use Give by Text for the offering during our Sunday Services and find it convenient for the days they don't have cash on hand. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns (


Merchant Fundraising – Shopping to Benefit Westside

Westside is a part of a few merchant fundraising programs.  These relationships allow members and friends to shop for items and services at no additional cost and have Westside benefits.  See the businesses below and help support Westside!

1% Cash Back from West Seattle Thriftway

Our Gatewood neighbor, West Seattle Thriftway will give 1% of purchases made to Westside!  Please save your receipts and deposit them in the box marked "1% Back from Thriftway" in our narthex.  All purchases apply except gift cards.

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