Welcome to the 2024-25 Covenant Group Program

Covenant Groups are small groups that are designed to build trust and friendship by sharing with and listening to each other engage with a designated topic.

Westside Covenant Groups...

  •  Are made up of 6-10 members including a trained facilitator with a variety of times offered during the week.
  • Meet for 90 minutes per session from October through June.  Some groups will meet in the second and fourth weeks, and one group will meet once per month. There will be options for meetings via Zoom and in person at Westside. Sign ups will take place Sept 8-28, using the registration form in the Westside Week.
  • Abide by a Covenant established during the first meeting.  These are the promises we make - the ground rules for our meetings - to create a respectful and safe environment for our sharing and learning.
  • Always leave an open chair to welcome a new participant.

What is discussed in a Covenant Group?

Topics are wide ranging and thought-provoking in sessions designed or adapted by the facilitators.

Examples from the 2023-24 program include Authenticity and Authentic Experience, Kitchen Table, Discernment, Dreams, Faith
and Doubt, Finding and Bringing Joy, Things We Hold Onto.

The Meeting Format… 

  • Chalice lighting and opening words
  • Check in
  • Readings for contemplation (usually a paragraph or two)
  • Questions to prompt responses and discussion
  • Sharing - each participant has space and time to voice their thoughts on the topic/s questions while the other members quietly listen
  • Likes, Wishes and Take-aways
  • Closing words and extinguishing the chalice

What is my commitment?

  • Attend meetings consistently in October through June, planning ahead to keep the meeting schedule.
  • Abide by the Covenant set by the group.
  • Participate in a service project (as decided by the group) for our larger community

Questions? Email covenantgroups@wsuu.org

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