Volunteering at Westside
There are many wonderful ways to connect at Westside. Below are just a few of the groups welcoming new members to share in their important work for our community.
Hospitality Ministry
We are always in need of kind souls to help set up coffee and snacks for our social hour and folks to help clean up after. Additionally, we are in need of volunteers to provide light snacks for social hour. Please contact us at hospitalityministry@wsuu.org if you are interested!
Environmental Justice
The Environmental Justice Group is always looking for people to get involved who are willing to testify at environmental hearings, go to rallies, write letters and editorials etc. and also to support groups like Plant for the Planet with planting trees and helping at the academies. There are so many ways to get involved. Learn more about the environmental justice group and contact Anne Miller.
Team Landscape
Our landscape team welcomes anyone who enjoys time in the garden. Tasks include weeding, planting, pruning and watering. Contact Rose Sheppard
Building Committee
Ready to build new friendships? Fantasizing about some extra-marital repairs? Bring your handy follow-through to the Building Committee, for one project or many! Contact our office.
Greeters Committee
Greeters Committee: We greet people at the doors before the service and on special occasions, pass the donation basket during service, hand out programs and answer questions and help out new visitors. Greeters sign up for to work services that are convenient to their schedules, so a greeter can work every or an occasional service. Contact Joan Whitley
Music Ministry
The Westside Music Ministry is a dynamic program and is in need of volunteer help. We have several teams that have openings. You need not be a musician to apply:
• Concert Team: organize and publicize a concert series including Westside ensemble concerts
• Worship Team: Assist our music director with worship music leadership and help develop other models of worship such as jazz vespers or chant services.
• Pie Sale Team: organize, publicize, and run pie sales.
• Communication Team: Keep the music ministry page on the web site current (photos, recordings, content) and create and maintain a trifold information board for coffee hours.
• Muscle Team: occasionally we need help schlepping stuff around.
For more information contact music@wsuu.org.
Adult Education Program – Common Quest
The Common Quest Team is seeking volunteers to help occasionally at the Common Quest table on Sundays during Social Hour to hand out brochures, sign up people who want to attend classes, and to consult with team members about possible new classes. To reach this team email: commonquest@wsuu.org.
Membership Committee
Join a dynamic team supporting newcomers as they transition from visitor to member and deepen their WSUU spiritual and community connections. Contact Laura H. White, Membership Committee Chair.
Finance Committee
Do you understand (and like) debits and credits? Do you want to know where "all the money" comes from around here? Do you want to help guide Westside toward a flush financial future? Come join us on the Finance Committee! Reach out to us at finance@wsuu.org
Religious Exploration Council
Become a friend of RE! The Religious Exploration Council would love your help supporting our children and youth programing. Join our pool of volunteers to pitch-in with ongoing tasks or once-in-awhile events. Contact our office at office@wsuu.org.