Guidelines for Submissions for Westside Week (electronic newsletter)
“Westside Week” (formerly “eNews”) is an email briefing for WSUU members and friends, highlighting our congregation’s events and news for the coming week. It is designed to be a quick read, with links to our website ( for further information.
- Items (35-50 words) received at by 9 a.m. Wed., will be published Fri. at 8 a.m.
- Please keep content brief—who, what, where, when—and focused on WSUU and regional/national UU news and events. Items may be edited.
- News/events of interest to Westsiders and friends, but beyond the scope of “Westside Week,” may be posted on the (physical) community bulletin board across from the kitchen in the social hall.
- WSUU groups such as Social Justice and Environmental Justice have pages on our website for posting these notices. The Communications team encourages members to visit these often.
- For Facebook users, we encourage members to “friend” each other as an efficient means of keeping in touch and spreading the word about the many activities we like to share. The content that is shared via our main Facebook page is limited to WSUU news and events, area UU news and events and National UU news and events