Our activities take many forms. Here are some of them:
Sunday Services
Our services respond to world events, call for justice, and offer wisdom from prophetic women and men throughout ages and cultures. We find wisdom in personal testimony, poetry, essays, and readings from the world's faith traditions. Our services build and express our beloved community. We join together each week with compassion, reason, and respect, empowering us to promote a just society. Click here to learn what to expect at a Sunday Service.
We are committed to a vibrant music program that presents diverse and inspiring music. We offer opportunities for members and non-members of all ages and abilities to discover, develop, and share their vocal and instrumental talents. Our current music ministry includes seven small vocal/instrumental ensembles and three larger choirs. For a complete description of our musical program and opportunities for participation, click here.
Religious Exploration
- Adults– Members and outside speakers guide our Common Quest program, covering a wide range of timely topics. For a list of current offerings, click here.
- Children and Youth—In addition to Sunday religious exploration for children in kindergarten through high school, we offer a Coming of Age (COA) program that marks the transition from childhood to young adulthood. Our nursery provides a safe and stimulating environment for children 6 weeks to 2 years of age. For a detailed description of our children’s Religious Exploration Program, click here.
Social Justice
We engage in social justice work on many fronts. We testify at hearings, march, attend rallies, and contact elected officials about legislation. We educate our community through adult and student activities. We work with the UUA, other congregations and organizations to plan events and find ways to further these causes. Our initiatives focus on the environment, racial justice, immigration, and service to our local community. For details, click here.
Small Group Gatherings
- Covenant Groups
Our Covenant Groups are small groups of 6-10 people who meet twice a month to share and listen and to build trust and friendship. A trained facilitator leads each session on a range of topics. - Women’s Group
In our Women’s Group, we share our journeys, learn more about each other and enjoy one another’s company. Our Women’s Group meets the 4th Saturday morning at 10 at a member's home. - Men’s Group — The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
In our Men’s Group, we share our experiences, successes, and difficulties through our personal stories of work, travel, health-care, and creative expression. The men’s group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, from 7-9 p.m - Buddhist Meditation Group
Our Buddhist Meditation Group is open to anyone interested in meditation. The group meets Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Food, Fun, and Celebration
We break bread together at potlucks and soup lunches, holiday gatherings, and dinner parties at members' homes. Our congregation also enjoys game nights, hikes, movies, fundraising events, and more!
Partner Church Ministry Team
In partnership with the East Shore Unitarian Congregation, we enjoy an ongoing sister-church relationship with the Torockószentgyörgyi Unitarian Congregation in Transylvania, Romania. We build friendships through ongoing communication, pilgrimages, social media, and pen pal letters. To learn more about the UU international partner program, click here.
Volunteer Activities
WSUU offers opportunities for members and friends to use their unique skills in service to our community. There are many ways to become involved in our congregation including accounting, carpentry, cooking, hosting, teaching, writing, public speaking, music, art, gardening, strategic planning, leadership, and more. Click here to see a listing of our current volunteer needs.