Board Update – Jade Lowry, President

We have a new renter!! A wonderful nonprofit serving a great need for preschoolers will be sharing our building and replacing Sweet Pea preschool as of October 1st! We are thrilled to welcome Leaps and Bounds of Washington and Jamie Huizinga, Executive Director ( They offer pediatric therapy services to preschoolers, including occupational and physical therapy and sensory social groups. They are adding this space as an expansion to their existing office, to accommodate the waiting list they have for families seeking this kind of support for their children.

Jamie and her therapists will rent the same first-floor space that was occupied by Sweet Pea, including use of the parking lot during the day, and the kitchen. We will enjoy the same collaborative and friendly arrangement with them that worked beautifully for us with Sweet Pea Preschool for so many years. Leaps and Bounds of Washington will serve children individually and in groups until 6:00pm in the evenings on week days, and from 9am—12pm on Saturdays. Jamie is planning to grow her programs over time, so we will have the opportunity to learn how to share our space in a way that works well for all of us.

Two important notes about our agreement – 1) Folks with mobility challenges will always have access to the parking lot, the Social Hall entry way and the lift as needed, and 2) We will work with Jamie to plan for special Westside events that will require access to our spaces earlier in the day or Saturday morning.

Thank you to Shannon Day for her leadership in finding this wonderful renter for us!! Thank you to the Finance Committee for their assistance with the contract and the financial negotiations! Thank you to Rose Sheppard for spiffing up the space and to our fence building team! And thank you to Rev. Cynthia Westby, our DRE, for her efforts in building a positive relationship with Jamie as they begin sorting out space sharing and coordinating with furniture and equipment.

Appreciations? Joys? Questions? Concerns? Please visit us at our Board and Transition Working Group table in the Social Hall any Sunday after the service. Or write to

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