Westside’s Right Relations Core Team

Westside’s Core Team has been dedicated to what we’ve described as our Right Relations work since January, 2023. At that time, the Core Team began working with our consultant Pam Orbach (A Center for Restorative Solutions) to learn about Nonviolent Communication (NVC), circle work, and restorative justice practices. Our learning in these areas, combined with our shared values as Unitarian Universalists, has helped us to build pathways for connecting with deep listening and empathy; for healing; for holding and addressing conflict in a healthy way; and for how we can move forward as a community and actively live our values both internally

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A Call to Action! Should WSUU Join the “No on I-2117” Coalition – Vote by Sept 2

The Environmental Justice Group has proposed and the Board of Director has approved of the church joining the No on Initiative 2117 Coalition, a diverse group of over 400 organization from across the state. This initiative would eliminate the state’s Climate Commitment Act, an act which has raised over $2 billion in just 1.5 years from WA’s major polluters to fund progressive community (mostly energy) projects. The coalition: (https://no2117.com/our-coalition/). The Climate Commitment Act’s Projects:  (Climate Commitment Act: Polluters pay, communities benefit | Climate (wa.gov). Per the church bylaws, this needs to be decided upon by the church membership. Indicate your

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A Restorative Practices Update from Pam Orbach

Dear WSUU community, The first four weeks of our Restorative Justice work at WSUU has been busy! When I ask the people who are taking time to sit in circle, “what’s changing for you?” The answers are powerful to hear…. more self connection, alignment of thoughts and actions with personal and community values, and care… We are slowing down to the speed of trust, considering what that takes…. making sure all voices present are deeply heard. We are a community discovering what matters. Core Team: We have held weekly trust and learning circles for a core team, defining the order

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Our Plan for Summer Pastoral Care

A Plan for Summer Pastoral Care The Westside UU Congregation’s Board of Trustees has contracted on a temporary basis with Rev. Kari Kopnick to serve as an on-call congregational pastoral care chaplain through the summer as we plan for the 2022-2023 church year and beyond. This care is appropriate for those who have lost a loved one or experienced a medical or other crisis. The WSUU Congregational Pastoral Care Chaplain is available to hold confidential, pastoral counseling and spiritual presence for WSUU members. She can also officiate weddings or memorial services. You can reach Rev. Kari at kari@wsuu.org (or whatever

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Celebrate AANHPI Heritage Month 2022

Celebrate AANHPI Heritage Month – this month there are several free and low cost opportunities to learn about Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander history and culture in our region. Join Westside’s Roseanne Lorenzana at some of these events. “Volunteering for Empire” Sat 5/7, 3:00PM  (free, includes admission to the museum) Seattle Asian Art Museum Presentation and discussion centered on the memorial plaque located in Volunteer Park and was recently removed due to concerns about its accuracy. University of Washington Department of History professors Vicente Rafael and Ileana Rodriguez-Silva will discuss the wars and their connection to Volunteer Park

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GA 2022 Ware Lecturer – Ibram X. Kendi

Every year, a distinguished and influential speaker is invited to address those attending General Assembly. This year, the lecture will be delivered by best-selling author and professor Ibram X. Kendi. Dr. Kendi will deliver the lecture at 4 p.m. Pacific on Saturday, June 25. In-person registration is required to attend the event in Portland, Oregon. In-person or full virtual registration is required to live-stream the event on June 25, or access the video on-demand when it is posted. According to the UUA, “Kendi is the author of five straight #1 New York Times bestsellers, including How to Be an Antiracist and the National Book Award-winning Stamped From The Beginning:

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Aid for Ukraine

Donations for Ukrainian Refugees As we all watch the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, we are reminded of the interdependence of our world. This is especially true for us at Westside because our Transylvanian partner church is located in Romania, right next to Ukraine. Refugees, primarily women and children, are fleeing the war in great numbers to countries adjoining Ukraine, including Romania. Often they arrive with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.We have an opportunity to support the efforts of the Hungarian Unitarian Church to minister to the urgent needs of these refugees. Donations can be made through the International Women’s Convocation

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Board Update 3.11.22

Beloved Community, As promised in our discussions this weekend, the Board would like to provide more context around the mutual agreement of Rev. Christopher’s transition out of his ministry with Westside UU. We will focus on the Board of Trustees ministerial supervision process in this communication.  In the fall, the Board designated Laura Pierce and Marco Deppe as leads to work regularly with Rev. Christopher in a supervisory capacity with the goal of nurturing the health of our congregation, building collaboration, supporting effective leadership, responding to issues or concerns together and mutual respect of open communication. Supervision of our minister

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Voting Starts Soon for our 2022 GA Delegates!

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. It will be June 22 – 26 and it will be both online and in-person in Portland, Oregon. Anyone may attend! Delegates vote on our behalf, but everyone is encouraged to attend GA! Information about financial aid can be found here. Our GA Delegate Policy, which was new and improved last year, charges the Nominating Committee with presenting the congregation with a slate of Delegates to vote on. This replaces the informal policy

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Board of Trustees Communication for December 2021

Dear Beloved Community, We send thoughts of joy, gratitude and renewal to each of you during this holiday season! May you be nurtured by the light of love as we reflect on this year and transition into the New Year. Here are a few community updates from your Board of Trustees: COVID Policy & Young Children: Several families have inquired regarding when not-yet-vaccinated young children may be able to attend services.  Our current COVID plan, created with care to respond to the feedback provided by congregants on the recent survey, does not allow for any unvaccinated people to attend in-person

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