A Message from your Stewardship Team

Our Westside congregation has been very generous over the years. This is a time for our generosity to match our hopes. Our community will endure as we embrace our vision for the future and our love for each other.

We are all a bit nervous about the effect these uncertain times will have on ourselves, on our congregation, and on funding for the congregation next year. Many of us are going to be challenged and will find it difficult to make decisions as we peer into the unknown. We know some might need to give less to our congregation. We hope some can give more.

Know that, if circumstances require, you can adjust your pledge at any time to meet your situation.

So, when you make your pledge, please think long-term. Imagine the world returned to a new season of rebuilding: more caring, more robust societies, and more togetherness … at a comfortable social distance, rather than a “safe” distance! Make a pledge that supports where we want to be next year.

By now, Westside members and friends should have received (by regular mail) next year’s pledge form, along with our stewardship brochure, a giving guide, and the stamped return envelope. If you have not, and would like to be included in supporting WSUU, please contact us at stewardship@wsuu.org.

As we proceed as a (temporarily!) virtual congregation, we no longer pass the offering basket down the pew. Nonetheless, your pledge payments for the current year remain vitally important. You can use the return envelope in the pledge mailing to return any payments for the current year, as well as your pledge form for next year. You can also make payments and fill out a pledge form online.

Pledging is an individual choice. But together, our pledges build on each other. Because Westside begins with We!

In deep gratitude,

The Stewardship Committee

Jim Schlough
Kevin Lane-Cummings
Larry Brennan
Shannon Day

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