A new year of Common Quest!

What gifts might you bring? What gifts might you welcome?
As we move into another exciting year at Westside, we need your help in replenishing our pool of opportunities to grow in spirit and learn in community with one another, a program we call Common Quest (CQ). The offerings provided through Common Quest are designed to encourage a deepening of spiritual maturity and support Unitarian Universalist faith formation in adults. What kinds of programs would you like to offer? What would you like to see offered? In the past Westside members have enjoyed programs on developing spiritual practices, on UU history and theology, on other faith traditions, on issues of social justice, and much more. Are there things you want to learn or engage with through a UU lens, or with this community? Please take a moment to reflect, and then send a note to commonquest@wsuu.org with your thoughts on what would appeal to you, or be of value for the congregation.

We know how incredibly valuable it is to participate in these conversations in-person, so, while we’d been looking forward to offering more programs back in our beloved building, we’ve erected a tent in the parking lot to enable small group opportunities (limited to 15 people or so). We are, of course, also hoping to offer programs online, recognizing that we’ve appreciated the ways in which technology has given us the chance to increase accessibility and convenience. Next week we’ll share some more details about how to propose a program if you have something in mind that you’d like to offer, whether online or under the big top tent. Thank you so much for everything you bring to Westside!

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