Minister’s Musings Among the Mountains Feb. 10 2017

“Give me a break…” “Give me a break” is a phrase I’ve heard for years. There’s even an old TV show based on the expression. It aired from 1981 to 1987. A song called “Gimme a Break” has been sung by various bands. Its entomology is uncertain but probably has American origins. It generally means an expression of disbelief. If I were to announce at church that I was going to start running marathons people would justifiably say “oh, give me a break…I don’t believe it.” This Sunday I’m doing what is going to be an unusual Valentine’s Day service.

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“Sharing the Islamic Sufi Faith” Chalice Chapel and Follow up Conversation, Sunday Feb. 12

Children ages 5-14, will go from service after the story for all ages, into Chalice Chapel, our Sunday Children’s Worship Service held instead of RE classes that day.  Only the Nursery and Story Time classes will be offered.  Sally Jo Gilbert de Vargas will lead this Chalice Chapel.  She has studied and practiced Islamic Sufism under Imam Jamal Rahman from Bangladesh for over 12 years.  She has been ordained as a Cherag (Universal Worship leader) with Sufi Order International.  Sally Jo has been a public-school teacher for over 30 years. She actively promotes interfaith understanding and social justice issues at

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PNW UU Music Festival – March 4-5 at Shorecrest Performing Arts Center

The 2017 PNW UU Music Festival presents: “No Ordinary Song: Music for a Divided World” Sunday, March 5th 4:00 PM at Shorecrest Performing Arts Center – 15343 25th Ave NE Shoreline, WA This year’s clinician is Unitarian Universalist composer Elizabeth Alexander who will lead the Festival Worship Service featuring the Festival Choir on Sunday, March 5. The worship service is open to the public. A freewill offering will be taken. 200 musicians from all over the Pacific Northwest will come together for fellowship, fun, and to work with Ms Alexander to learn exciting new Unitarian Universalist music for worship. There

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From Rev. Alex…

I have been working with the Church Council of Greater Seattle about responses to the election. There is conversation about what it would mean to become a sanctuary congregation. This is what the coordinator wrote in part: “Our training on the specifics surrounding Sanctuary congregations will be on Sunday, February 12, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at University Unitarian Church, 6556 35th Avenue NE in Seattle.  This is geared to congregations that are considering becoming (or continuing to be) sanctuary congregations.” I plan to attend but it would be wonderful if Westside had more folks who would go over

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The Mindful Journey and Religious Exploration – Cynthia Westby Dir. Religious Exploration for Children and Youth

What is spirituality? Answering this question helps guide me in my work. For me spirituality is about nurturing relationships with mystery, self, others and the world to experience and realize our interconnectedness. It is also about nurturing love and kindness; as we appreciate our interconnectedness, our oneness, we understand that what happens to one person or part of the world, affects us all. Teaching, storytelling, walking in nature, are all spiritual practices that cultivate awareness of these relationships and our interconnectedness with all of life. Spiritual practices like these, ‘wake up’ our awareness of our relationships. Mindfulness, wondering, questioning, and

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Informal Half-Year Report from Rev. Alex

Dear Seattle Westsiders, You’ll be getting a half year ‘state of the congregation’ meeting this coming Sunday after service. I won’t be able to be with you. I will be on the Oregon coast with Debra and family while we celebrate her birthday. I’ll be on vacation next week but will lead Wednesday meditation group and some prior scheduled meetings. We know how difficult transitions in life can be. It’s very challenging to change ministers and have a long look at how the congregation looks and feels. Anxiety is always present during transition times. There’s always worry about finances, whether

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Liquid Spirit -Tracy Burrows, President Board of Trustees

When you sit on the WSUU Board, you tackle a lot of issues. The issues that really get the blood stirring are stuff like flood, fire, and theft. Then there are making plans for the future, troubleshooting problems that arise, keeping track of finances, and making suggestions for improvements to the day-to-day operations of the church. You quickly develop an awesome appreciation for everyone who contributes to making this congregation run smoothly. None more so that those who are responsible for giving us the experience of a meaningful gathering on Sunday morning. Our service may be joyful, it may be

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Minister’s Musings Among the Mountains Dec. 16, 2016

Several people asked me for copies of the prayer I used last Sunday to end my sermon on the Sixth Source as a living prayer. It’s below in its entirety. I had used a slightly shorter version than what Valarie Kaur created a few weeks ago. A special thanks to Anne Miller for sending it to me. As you read this prayer, see if you can imagine it being like a mission statement for Westside or your own personal life. How would you express this prayer through your thoughts, words and deeds? How would Westside UU Congregation express it? “Prayer

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Minister’s Musing Among the Mountains – Dec. 2, 2016

Lightening Up Rev. Alex Holt   We know about the powerful symbolism of lights during the holiday season. Advent, Christmas, The Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Bodhi Day and other celebrations remind us that light will shine through the darkness lighting our way to the future. This last month has been especially challenging to people at Westside as well as many others around America. I am going to adopt a practice during the month of December and hope you might do so as well. The practice will be to turn away from the ongoing 24 hours/7 days a week news cycles. Less

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Welcome to Westside’s New Director of Religious Exploration Cynthia Westby

Cynthia Westby comes to us with a rich and diverse background that includes curriculum development, program administration, mindfulness coaching, and teaching children and adults in a variety of settings. Cynthia is an active member of the Seattle Storyteller’s Guild has been involved with Shoreline UU where she shared her storytelling gifts with the congregation. She also has studied and taught animal tracking and wildlife stewardship and she has a Master’s degree in Theology and the Arts. She brings a focus on healthy communication and the importance of listening to people of all ages, as well as strong administrative and program

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