“The Tao te Ching: Chapter 67”

This is a service purchased by a member of Westside. They wanted us to explore the beauty and wisdom of the ancient Chinese classic “The Tao te Ching” from the 3rd century before common era. What is special about Chapter 67 that may be meaningful today, 2300 years later?

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What Will You Risk for This Grace? A Praise Service

“We are on a journey toward redemption. We have lived a year filled with lamentation… with the strength of generations, the failures of the every day, and the deep down gritty messiness that is the promise of our salvation. There is inherent goodness that exist between and among us. I want to honor the weary, ragged miracle that is our living tradition.”   ~Rev. Sofia Betancourt Our Service Theme this year is inspired by the words of the Reverend Sofia Betancourt in her Address to the Faithful during the Service of the Living Tradition at 2018 GA. WSUU’s Praise Service Team will be exploring themes of Fortitude,

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Filling Your Own Cup of Love: The Hard Work of Self-Love and Self-Care

We often find ourselves conditioned to seek outside validation for our self-worth. Other people’s opinions and praise of us is cherished more than our own. We become emotional pan-handlers, asking others to fill our cups because we can’t seem to fill our own. What if, instead, we lived lives of radical self-acceptance, making self-love a spiritual practice and daily exercise?

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