Stump the Minister

This was a service where anyone from Westside was welcome to submit a question to Alex for the service. He did not see or hear them until the service leader read them nor did he know who is asking the question.

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Dance on a Brink

Rev. Amanda Aikman “You are closer to glory leaping an abyss/than upholstering a rut,” said poet James Broughton. What are the perils and rewards of risk-taking, and what can spur us to taking more risks in our precious lives?

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Gifts You Have Given Me and How They Have Changed My Life

Dr. Betsy Lowry, Director of Religious Exploration for Children and Youth When we open ourselves, when we dive in and find ourselves able to love fully, we can’t help but to be transformed. As I’ve been preparing to leave this role as your Director of Religious Exploration (DRE), my reflections have brought up a fountain of gifts that have come from this experience, including some gifts of the spirit that don’t always appear right away as gifts. I look forward to sharing three gems from the Westside Unitarian Universalist community that have transformed me while serving as your DRE.

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