Community Cafe #3 & Potluck

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:RSVP for Our Third Community Covenant Café & Potluck Sunday, May 5th 10:30-12:30 10:00 Doors open for coffee & conversation 10:30-12:30 Community Café 12:30-1:30 Potluck Lunch Join us to continue the work of crafting our covenant! During this café we will continue to distill the input on the covenant language and take a look at the first drafts of our documents that will support our pathways to repair. Your input matters! All are welcome! Please enter through the parking lot door into the social hall. Our front doors will remain locked. Any potluck item is

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Joy Is a Serious Thing – Rev. Carter Smith with Lisa Reitzes

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:Great spiritual traditions teach us that suffering is an unavoidable part of human life. In this same way, we learn that joy is a necessary part of human thriving, despite and amidst times of struggle. Join in this service to explore honest, holistic cultivation of joy as a spiritual practice. May’s worship theme is Joy. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday May 12.

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The Learning Journey: A Youth Service

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:Join with WSUU youth, advisors, and Rev. Carter for this service focused on the work of becoming a lifelong learner. It will be a chance to discover ways that our youth are taking learning into their own hands, to hear a story about learning how to be kind, and to learn a new song as a congregation. April’s worship theme is Compassion. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, April 28.

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Answering Creation’s Cry – Debra Hagen-Lukens with Liz Bucklew

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:Celebrate Earth Month with our Environmental Justice Group and guest speaker Deb Hagen-Lukens! This will be a service to talk about our unique role as a faith community in responding to the urgency of the climate crisis, and extend care for our common home as part of living our values.                                                              April’s worship theme is Compassion. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service

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Long Live Majestic Love: An Easter Celebration – Rev. Carter Smith, Jade Wilde and Scott Farrell

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:Traditionally, Easter celebrates the time when Jesus’ message of radical love transformed from an individual teaching to a revolutionary movement. Join in this joyful multigenerational service celebrating transformation and love. Wear your Easter bonnets or choose some self-adornment from our costume trunk for the congregational photo following the service.

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What I’m Looking For – Rev. Carter Smith with Liz Bucklew

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:As we kick off our annual stewardship campaign, let’s celebrate what this community brings to peoples’ lives. Hearing congregant testimonies, we can look back at the joys of congregational life, and honor that which we are still shaping together. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service on Sunday, March 10 at 10:30 am.

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How We Move Forward – Rev. Carter Smith with Rick Taylor

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:Grief is a normal part of human life, and mourning is an important process that helps us move through times of loss. But what about when we experience complex or ambiguous losses? Let us tell our stories, and explore tools for grappling with the messiness of grief. February’s worship theme is Promise. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, February 25.

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February Community Circle

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:Doors 10:00 for coffee and conversation, Circle begins at 10:30 am  Potluck at 12:00 Join members of the Westside Community and WSUU’s Right Relations Teams for time in circle to connect and learn. For parents and caregivers, Religious Exploration activities will be offered from 10:30-12:00 in the Fireside Room for all ages. Masking is optional.  Remote participation is available via Zoom. Access information will be available in the Sunday morning worship blast. A community potluck will follow the circle. Please bring whatever offering works for you. We are seeking a team of 4-5 people to

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The Fifth Jagged Rock – Rev. Carter Smith with Jill Fleming

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:What is the theological grounding of our UU commitment to working in service of justice? James Luther Adams, writing from the mid 20th century would say that it is because of our belief in “salvation in this life” achieved through working toward meaningful change. In this service, let us consider what binds us to the betterment of the world. February’s worship theme is Promise. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30 am on Sunday, February 11.

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Bread and Roses – Rev. Carter Smith with Lisa Reitzes

Event Start Date:02/12/2025Event End Date:02/12/2025Event Venue:This time we live in has presented us with a myriad of challenges to how we understand work. From a rise in unions making big strides to conversations about what work requires an office to movements to reclaim rest, our culture is in a period of reorientation to labor. How are we called in these times to rethink the role of work in our lives, and what do we do with these insights? January’s worship theme is Purpose. Click here to join the livestream of this worship service at 10:30am, Sunday, January 28.

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