White Center Food Bank Volunteer Opportunity

As part of our Beloved Connections work, WSUU volunteers have pitched in at the White Center Food Bank (WCFB) three times over the summer months. We packed grocery bags of food for distribution, helped with in-person distribution, and worked in the warehouse sorting and storing food. In our most recent effort, six WSUU volunteers packed 1,350 pounds of food and had fun while doing so.WCFB’s mission is to “Minimize hunger while nourishing community, nurturing self-reliance and embracing our rich cultural diversity.” They strive to distribute culturally appropriate food in a dignified and respectful manner.Starting Thursday, October 7, and every first

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Vote for a WSUU Congregational Read

WSUU is going to offer a congregational read for 2021-22, and we want your input on the books you think we should engage with as a community. Each of the proposed books is available from the Seattle Public Library or King County Library, as well as local booksellers. Regardless which book is selected, participants will have the chance to engage in either discussion groups or self-directed reading reflections with guiding resources. The three proposed books are (descriptions are from GoodReads): My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies By Resmaa Menakem The body is

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A new year of Common Quest!

What gifts might you bring? What gifts might you welcome?As we move into another exciting year at Westside, we need your help in replenishing our pool of opportunities to grow in spirit and learn in community with one another, a program we call Common Quest (CQ). The offerings provided through Common Quest are designed to encourage a deepening of spiritual maturity and support Unitarian Universalist faith formation in adults. What kinds of programs would you like to offer? What would you like to see offered? In the past Westside members have enjoyed programs on developing spiritual practices, on UU history

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Westside Conversations for Connection to continue in October

This October, WSUU will be offering Conversations for Connection, a series of three 90-minute virtual conversations that offer Westside congregants the opportunity to feel heard and to renew and/or form connections with others in a small group.  This program gives participants a way to experience intimacy and cultivation of trust in conversation groups during this time when we have limited options to be together in person. This summer, the pilot round of the Conversations for Connection program took place, involving 22 participants in three groups. The overwhelming feedback from these groups affirmed the importance of the program goals of deep

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Workshop with Paula Cole Jones – Building a Culture of Inclusion

Building the Beloved Community is about building a culture of inclusion. Is this our unfinished business or is it the bridge to a vibrant future for Unitarian Universalism? Over 115 congregations and UU groups have had positive votes to adopt an 8th Principle that calls on us to build the Beloved Community. And many more votes are in process. Will we heed the call? To build the Beloved Community, UUs must attend to the unfinished business of dismantling racism and oppression in our congregations and Association and with our community partners. How do we stand in solidarity with the social

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Fall’s Westside Spiritual Practice – Poetic Lectio Divina

Lectio divina is a monastic practice of Western Christianity to facilitate the contemplation of texts, and their meaning for our lives. It involves reading the same text repeatedly, and each time applying different lenses or approaches. We will practice this way of engaging texts, each time sharing a new poem, and discover how this contemplative practice can enrich our reading and understanding. Only a half hour long, beginning on September 14th we’ll gather on Zoom on Tuesday mornings from 8:30-9:00am, and Thursday evenings from 8:30-9:00pm. Come once, come every time, come whenever the spirit calls you. Contact Rev. Christopher if

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Small Group Gatherings and the Coronavirus 9.2.21

One of the questions that folks have been asking as they’ve been processing the congregation’s decision to postpone re-opening Sunday morning worship through September (read the announcement), is how do these changes in guidelines affect small groups, and particularly groups meeting in peoples’ homes? I know in the spring and summer it felt like such a joy for vaccinated folks to start to gather, unmasked in each others’ homes. I loved so much being able to be in some of your homes, on your patios, offering and receiving hugs for the first time in over two years. Unfortunately what we’ve

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Moving in Spirit – Meditation in the Great Outdoors

For so many Westside members and friends, the experience of wonder and awe is found most often in nature, moving through the trees, listening to the wind, watching wildlife. Join Rev. Christopher for Saturday morning guided walking or rolling meditation, with questions to hold, time for individual or paired reflection, and seeking joy in the beauty in our outdoor spaces. Bring friends and family, and find a moment of pause, while seeing Westside beloveds. Register below for one or more of the upcoming Saturdays, rain or shine. Let us know on the form if you can offer a ride or

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WSUU Board Retreat Update

by Jim Schlough, Board Treasurer August 22, 2021 The recently elected Board of Trustees of our church got together last Sunday for a daylong retreat. We have an entirely new board of five people this year and, although many of us have served previously on other non-profit boards, we want to determine how we can best serve the specific needs and hopes of our beloved WSUU community. We also want to express gratitude for the guidance we have already received from last year’s board members.Let me remind you who we are: Kristina Darnell, president; Marco Deppe, vice-president; Laura White, secretary; Jim Schlough,

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WSUU COVID Guidelines

September 1, 2021 Love of community, safety, and accessibility are our primary goals for our beloved spiritual home. We celebrate all those involved in nurturing our community virtually and in person. General Guidelines on Church Property Inside and Outside Masks are required in all indoor WSUU church spaces unless you are a vaccinated staff member working alone or with other employees, a young child under 2 years of age and/or those who cannot wear a mask due to a health or accessibility need. Masks are optional outside the building for vaccinated persons. All unvaccinated persons should wear a mask unless

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